Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Apa itu ORBIS?
Orbis adalah jaringan nirkabel dan teknologi canggih yang dapat membawa mimpi besar terkait dengan pembayaran dan transfer keuangan futuristik. Teknologi ini akan menjadi solusi cerdas bagi Anda untuk layanan transfer, pembayaran, dan investasi yang mudah diakses dan mudah. Apakah Anda ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang Orbis? Baca penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang Orbis pada umumnya.

Orbis mengembangkan teknologi Bluetooth untuk mendukung jaringan mesh. Tidak hanya itu, jaringan mesh ini juga didukung oleh standar global dan konektivitas nirkabel yang aman. Jaringan mesh baru ini dapat memungkinkan banyak komunikasi. Ini juga dapat mengoptimalkan pembuatan jaringan perangkat berskala besar.

Beberapa konsumen dan pengembang individu mungkin tertarik dengan pasar yang menguntungkan ini. Itulah sebabnya Orbis platform memiliki tujuan untuk membangun platform terutama untuk pengembangan konsumen dan komersial di mesh Bluetooth.

Orbis memiliki tiga komponen yang dapat digunakan: Orbistore, OrbisWeb, dan OrbisToken (OBT). Ketiga komponen tersebut adalah infrastruktur multi-guna dan fleksibel bagi pengembang untuk membangun jaringan mereka dan bagi konsumen untuk memanfaatkan layanan tersebut.

ORBIS berusaha menjembatani celah itu juga. ORBIS saat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan akses keuangan kepada 3 juta orang yang tidak memiliki rekening bank di Amerika Latin, Afrika, dan Asia pada tahun 2020 melalui kemitraan dengan bank. Platform swalayan ORBIS akan memberikan solusi yang mudah diakses kepada orang-orang ini dan memberi mereka kesempatan pertama untuk membuka peluang yang membiayai mereka. Peluang-peluang ini akan termasuk kepemilikan kartu debit, smartphone dengan aplikasi pembayaran ORBIS, dan pemindaian QR dan barcode. ORBIS menawarkan solusi yang canggih menurut standar saat ini, sehingga orang-orang yang baru diikat ini tidak akan bermain mengejar ketinggalan. Transfer yang aman dan tanpa batas, pencegahan penipuan, transaksi cepat, dan banyak lagi semuanya akan dibangun ke dalam sistem, dari cabang ORBIS ke robot VR chat.

ORBIS menyediakan pelanggan dengan alat yang memungkinkan lompatan generasi ke Blockchain 5.0 yang lebih aman, mampu menciptakan sinergi antara cryptocurrency dan untuk beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan spesifik mereka, memisahkan dan bergabung kembali, memungkinkan untuk fluktuasi data yang lebih cepat dan lebih cepat, yang dapat mengelola aset di alam semesta terstruktur yang kompleks melalui Orbis Coins.

Orbis Solutions telah membangun blockchain unik dengan dua koin yang digunakan untuk Menarik, Transfer dengan Tanpa Biaya, Menyimpan, Menghabiskan dan Menginvestasikan Uang dan Cryptocurrency Anda melalui NFC Mobile App, Perangkat Lunak Desktop, Kartu Orbis atau di Cabang Orbis Swalayan di Masa Depan . Dalam dunia cryptocurrency, pasar ditentukan oleh pertukaran token peer-to-peer digital. fungsi-fungsi berikut akan menjadi prioritas utama ORBIS:

Fungsi transfer tanpa batas internasional untuk penyelesaian pembayaran. Ini akan mencakup konversi mata uang - misalnya, antara dolar AS dan Yen Jepang.

Pelanggan dapat menggunakan kartu debit / kredit mereka sendiri di platform kami, melakukan transaksi beli dan jual real-time, atau memiliki kartu debit ORBIS yang dikeluarkan untuk mereka.

ORBIS akan memberikan pinjaman kredit jangka pendek dalam bentuk aplikasi kredit kepada penggunanya, mengeluarkan bill of exchange antara setiap pihak yang ingin menggunakan aplikasi ini. Transaksi mata uang Fiat juga dimungkinkan, tidak hanya mata uang digital.

Peta jalan

Bunga akan diperoleh dalam rekening tabungan ORBIS dengan memiliki token disimpan di dalamnya membeli token Orbis memungkinkan investasi lepas tangan, dengan token mereka menghargai nilainya sendiri melalui pasar cryptocurrency. Orbis Pos memungkinkan pembayaran nirkabel menjadi kenyataan bagi semua usaha kecil dan pengusaha yang membutuhkan layanan tersebut, termasuk orang yang bekerja sendiri di negara berkembang, seperti pekerja lepas.

  • Total token: 380Million 
  • Simbol: ORBS 
  • Harga: 0,5 EUR 
  • SoftCap: 500000EUR (dikumpulkan) 
  • Hard Cap: 25000000EUR 
  • Cryptocurrency yang diterima: ETH, BTC, EUR, USD.


Tim Orbis adalah peranti otak untuk membuatnya sukses. Tim Orbis memiliki semangat besar untuk menggabungkan teknologi, industri, pemasaran dan perbankan, pengembangan web, dengan hobi pribadi. Ini adalah campuran yang membuat mereka menyukai pekerjaan mereka di Orbis.

investor dapat memperoleh nilai token tumbuh dalam waktu sebagai koin berubah lebih banyak digunakan. Ini tergantung pada pengembang dan konsumen saat mereka mulai menggunakan jaringan mesh. Jika teknologi mesh ini dianggap sebagai hal yang berguna untuk digunakan, dan orang-orang mulai menggunakannya di seluruh planet, mungkin aman untuk menyatakan bahwa nilai token harus naik sesuai dengan itu. Bahkan, teknologi ini tampaknya diperlukan oleh solusi desentralisasi global dan jaringan yang dapat diakses. Oleh karena itu, jika teknologi ini digunakan secara luas, distribusi token ini mungkin meningkat.

Info selengkapnya tentang proyek:

Penulis: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1444856
Alamat dompet eth: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

platform MPCX

What is MPCX?
MPCX is a digital blockchain-driven financial services platform. The long-term goal of incorporating all crypto financial services into one place.

In the short run, MPCX will create a blockchain decentralized ecosystem to manage an innovative investor portfolio of crypto assets. Based on the current market situation with huge demand for services and very limited financial management solutions, MPCX decided to create an MPCX Platform. The platform is designed to serve the needs of entities and individuals in the areas of digital wealth management, currency exchange and commerce, digital banking, crypto research and ICO promotion, and crypto lending.

MPCX platform 
Jan 2017 - Dec 2018 - digital wealth management platform
December 2018 - Nov 2019 - exchange of cryptocurrency
December 2019 - July 2020 - Digital banking and managed wealth management platform

This platform will bring all of the following crypto services to one place:
Fully onboarding digital clients to reduce costs and provide clients with friendly service.

The digital currency of cryptocurrency in aggregate liquidity in TOP 100 currency is based on market capitalization.
Crypto payments, transactions, and banking solutions.
Custody and wallet solutions to provide secure security from client funds.
Three investmentable crypto indexes, AI crypto funds, ETN crypto, ICO.

The MPCX Trading Solutions will provide full access to product platforms and crypto exchange, arbitration systems, trading terminals, and reporting.
The Digital Wealth Management Platform will offer the Digital Intelligent Digital Investment Mandate undermine, automatic portfolio balancing, crypto lending strategy, and reporting.

The ICO MPCX promotional and research platform will offer two-tier access to ICO with full industry coverage.
The MPCX crypto lending platform will include borrowers scoring and matching loans with potential lenders.


The XDMC Token will be a functional tool on the MPCX Platform and offer unique opportunities to participate in platform development.1. Hold XDMC2. Accept Votes3. Participate in Referendum4. RewardedBuy XDMC Token with BTC, ETH, LTC, ZCash, WavesXDMC Token will be used to pay for services within the platform. After XDMC Token becomes liquid and popular, it will be used as the internal currency for our banking services. At MPCX, we believe that the wisdom of the crowd is part of a new reality in which individuals can contribute to the common well-being of a community and be rewarded for their fair contribution.

We strongly believe that "crowd wisdom" will help us to create our platform to serve the best interests of our community. In this way the holder of the XDMC Token will have the opportunity to participate in network development.

The sales structure of the XDMC token

Tokenisation is the process by which real or digital assets and related rights are registered on a particular blockchain ledger. Technically a token is a registered value unit.

Token: XDMC
supply type: Fixed
Type: Utility Token
Total supply: 999,999,416
Pre ICO price: 1 ETH = 31000 XDMC
Min investment 0.1 ETH


1Q 2017
Validation of research and Ideas

4Q 2017
First Infrastructure Solution with crypto assets

December 2017
Start the ICO preparation process
Hard Cap
ETH 1 000

May 2018
First ICO Round
Hard Cap
ETH 12 500
MVP release before end of Q2

July 2018
December 2018
Intelligent Digital Investment Mandate
3 Crypto investable index
AI Crypto Fund
Crypto ETN
Guard and Wallet

For more info click the link below:
Website: https://mpcx.co/
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jZZA-EtZz0O02sOG8w-vcZdX93GtJXJ-/view?usp=sharing
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MPCXPlatform
Facebook: https://fb.me/MPCXPlatform
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJrgPLexmtA4hA6ux5GTpQQ

Addres wallet: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0


Laccoin adalah cryptocurrency yang didukung Ethereum dan menggunakan dompet. Pengguna individu memiliki opsi untuk bertukar cryptocurrency dan token LAC melalui dompet mobile mereka, atau untuk mengeluarkan token LAC atau cryptocurrency lainnya melalui kartu debit prabayar Laccoin mereka. Dompet Laccoin dapat diunduh dari pasar iOS atau Android.
Visi kami adalah untuk menciptakan ekosistem yang layak untuk transaksi moneter yang merupakan alternatif yang benar untuk sistem perbankan yang ada.

Di dunia modern, tidak ada yang terkejut dengan kemungkinan mentransfer uang kepada orang lain dari mana saja di dunia. Transfer uang adalah transfer uang dari pengirim ke penerima melalui sistem pembayaran untuk mentransfer dana ke rekening penerima atau membayar tunai. Sistem pembayaran dapat bersifat nasional (dalam satu negara bagian) dan internasional (transfer uang dari satu negara ke negara lain). Ada tiga pihak dalam seluruh rantai transfer uang: pengirim, penerima, dan dengan demikian perantara (operator sistem pembayaran). Sampai saat ini, ada banyak sistem pembayaran yang menghasilkan transfer uang. Mereka berbeda satu sama lain dalam metode penerjemahan, kecepatan penerjemahan dan harga untuk layanan yang diberikan. Baru-baru ini, lebih banyak transfer uang dilakukan dengan kartu bank,
Krisis keuangan global 2007 mengurangi total transfer ke Amerika Latin dan Karibia, di mana individu dan keluarga membutuhkan dukungan keuangan. Bank tradisional membutuhkan suku bunga tinggi untuk transfer uang, yang juga mempengaruhi penurunan total transfer uang ke wilayah tersebut. Situasi ini diperparah oleh fakta bahwa pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh bank tradisional di seluruh perbatasan internasional masih merupakan proses yang rumit, lambat dan mahal. Pada tahun 2016, total transfer ke Amerika Latin dan Karibia mencapai sekitar $ 70 miliar. Jumlah ini sangat mengesankan, tetapi uang ini dikurangkan oleh persentase besar komisi transfer. Proyek Laccoin bertujuan untuk memecahkan masalah ini. Tujuan dari proyek ini adalah untuk menciptakan kondisi yang memfasilitasi akses ke layanan perbankan bagi warga negara Amerika Latin dan Karibia. Buat proses transfer uang lebih murah. Dan akhirnya, menjadikan kawasan itu bagian dari komunitas ekonomi besar.

  • Transfer uang murah. Laccoin adalah cara mudah untuk mengirim transfer uang internasional ke Pemegang Dompet Laccoin lainnya.
  • Akses ke layanan perbankan dasar. Akses ke layanan perbankan dasar dan sistem pembayaran baru menggunakan kartu mata uang kriptografi dengan perangkat seluler.
  • Kemungkinan pinjaman. Program Laccoin mencakup kemampuan penduduk setempat untuk mendapatkan keuangan mikro.
  • Kemampuan untuk membuat portofolio keuangan. Dana indeks akan berisi mata uang crypto likuiditas tinggi untuk menyediakan portofolio keuangan yang dapat diandalkan yang memenuhi kebutuhan ekosistem LAC.

Dompet Laccoin adalah jawaban atas kurangnya mobilitas dana dan kendala keuangan lainnya. Dengan perangkat seluler, pengguna dapat mengirim uang ke orang lain dan perusahaan di wilayah LAC. Dompet Laccoin juga memungkinkan pembelian artikel di Internet.

Kartu debit

  • Kartu debit Laccoin yang berfungsi dengan dompet. 
  • Opsi untuk mengunci atau membuka kunci kartu debit. 

Kartu debit Laccoin. Setiap pemegang dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk dompet Laccoin Laccoin kartu debit yang berfungsi dengan dompet. Hubungan simbiosis antara Laccoin dompet dan kartu debit atau kartu virtual memberikan akses kepada pengguna pada properti penghalang tertentu, yaitu ER20 Ethereum Bitcoin (BTC) Ethereum (ETH) litecoin (LTC) dan Laccoin (LAC) dan lain-lain. Laccoin dengan Visa dan Mastercard bekerja secara langsung pilihan terbaik yang tersedia untuk pengguna kartu debet.
  1. Laccoin akan memiliki tawaran sebesar 390.000.000, dimana sekitar 55% akan dibuka untuk umum dalam tiga fase yang berbeda. Pada tahap pertama, 33% dari total token akan tersedia untuk dijual kepada publik. Bonus bonus yang ada juga ditawarkan.
  2. Tahap kedua dari ICO Publi akan membantu mencapai alokasi 20% dari apa yang diketahui publik, dimana 20% akan dialokasikan untuk alokasi bonus.
  3. Pada fase pertama dari publikasi ICO, peruntukan 10% dari publisitas akan terjadi, bahkan jika tidak ada yang dihabiskan untuk bonus putter.

Individu memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat pinjaman peer-to-peer (P2P) kecil
Kelompok gabungan orang-orang dengan peringkat kredit tinggi dapat meminjam pinjaman peer-to-peer (P2P) kecil
Orang-orang dengan peringkat kredit tinggi dapat mengajukan pinjaman dari Laccoins

Dana PropertiDana tersebut akan menjadi dana indeks cryptocurrency dengan cryptocurrency sangat cair.
Union Wealth Fund hanya dibuka untuk pemegang token LAC.
Pemilik LAK memiliki akses ke portofolio cryptocurrency yang diatur, didiversifikasi, dikelola, dan dipantau.
Kami menjual 330 juta token LAC. Semua token yang tidak terjual setelah fase ICO dibakar. Persyaratan minimum untuk proyek ini adalah $ 5 juta.
Jika kami mengumpulkan kurang dari $ 5 juta, kami akan mengembalikan semua uang yang terkumpul.



Laccoin adalah cryptocurrency yang didukung Ethereum dan menggunakan dompet. Pengguna individu memiliki opsi untuk bertukar cryptocurrency dan token LAC melalui dompet mobile mereka, atau untuk mengeluarkan token LAC atau cryptocurrency lainnya melalui kartu debit prabayar Laccoin mereka. Dompet Laccoin dapat diunduh dari pasar iOS atau Android.
Untuk info lebih banyak tentang proyek ini, silakan ikuti tautan di bawah ini: 

Situs web: https://laccoin.io

Dompet: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0

Quantum Pay

Quantum Pay is a Decentralized and Computerized Banker Engine who serves as a financial services platform. As a facility successively on blockchain machinery, Quantum Pay uses digital currency as a little charge doorway to investment, lending, funding, and banking, spreading the influence of monetary organizations beyond their existing outlet groundwork to the number of people who are unbanked in the world. This also delivers person-to-person wallet handovers, bill expenditures, portable topups, operational shopping, and transfer services. Its currency distribution system shields tens of thousands of banks, pawnshops, fee outlets, and door-to-door delivery through the world. Using Quantum Pay, clients have contact to an app wallet to be launched by the team and facilities such as payments, air-time, bill payments, hotel bookings, game credits and online shopping at a number of dealers who admit digital currency.

First thing you need to do is an App wallet. Create your wallet in minutes from our application, no minimum cash-in amounts, and no monthly fees. Quantum Pay app is where you can put your QPAY token and etherium also. Soon, upgraded version will include bitcoin and other digital currency. Services included like shop, buy phone load, pay bills, book hotels, game credits, and send money to any major bank or remittance center - all from our QPAY App.

Simple to Use and Convenient to Transact- Implement dealings without the requirement to synchronise with the blockchain and is user-friendly interface.
Self-held Private Keys, Improved Safety- Encoded Private Keys will be deposited steadily in expedient’s local sandbox structure. It delivers manifold folder backup options, to avoid loss or robbery of assets.
Market Tracing and Signals- Worldwide market checking of statistics sponsored by continuous synchronisation with digital market sites. Flexible price ready situations shall never miss out on important market arrangements.
Can be used online or offline- QPAY App can be accessed online and even not connected to the internet, QPAY SMS Operator shall manage transaction of the customers.

Compatible Wallet
TRUST WALLETSecure wallet for Ethereum, ERC20 and ERC223 tokens

Your blockchain asset experience. Fast, easy, and not only a Multicurrency Wallet: it's a Hybrid Exchange too.

imToken is a Ethereum mobile light-wallet, strives to provide a simple, secure and powerful digital asset management tool for users.

MYETHER WALLETMyEtherWallet (MEW) is a free, open-source, client-side interface for generating Ethereum wallets & more. Interact with the Ethereum blockchain easily

  • TokenI - QPAY
  • Platform - Ethereum
  • Type - ERC20
  • Total supply: -

QPAY is an ERC-20 token which will be used in Quantum Pay App in general but further upgrades will include ETH, BTC and other leading crypto currency in digital market. QPAY will provide a simple, secure and powerful digital strength supervision instrument for operators who will be able to practice autonomy in wallets formation, introducing, secure digital benefit managing, suitable contract implementation, and real-time market apprises.

Distribution token

  • 60% - Selfdrop Donation
  • 20% - Development
  • 10% - Team
  • 5% - Bounty Rewards
  • 5% - Community
Formore info: 

Website: https://quantumpay.co
Whitepaper: https://quantumpay.co/QUANTUMPAYWP.pdf

Wallet addres: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0

BLockchain LEVEL01

Level01 is a new blockchain platform that facilitates the peer-to-peer trading and exchange of digital assets and commodities without the input of intermediaries or middle men.
The blockchain technology is the basis upon which cryptocurrencies are created with several applications to various aspects of the world economy. The first application of blockchain was in the creation of the first ever cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. After Bitcoin was created in 2009, Ethereum and several other cryptocurrencies were created, each based on the blockchain technology. The creation of cryptocurrency led to a lot of transformation and revolution in the financial sector; exchange platforms have been created to facilitate the conversion of cryptocurrencies to Fiat currencies and the exchange of cryptocurrencies for other cryptocurrencies.

These exchange platforms also facilitate the trading of cryptocurrencies (digital currencies) as well as other digital assets. Some exchange/ trading platforms like Binary.com allow the trading of other digital commodities via derivative trading (forex).

The way exchange platforms are designed is that when the users of these platforms make a request to either sell or buy a particular cryptocurrency, the exchange platform processes the transaction and completes it for the intending user; by this the exchange platform has served as a middle man for that transaction. That is why transaction fees are usually high as the fees for the middlemen are included thereby reducing the profit of traders. The team behind Level01 has come up with the perfect solution for cryptocurrency trading as well as other currencies, digital assets and commodities.
Within this platform, whenever a user shows an interest to buy or sell a particular cryptocurrency, an automatic match is done linking the user selling or buying with the user buying or selling.
Level01 understands the benefits of user participation and involvement and has come up with a strategy to promote more user participation and involvement within the platform and this strategy is the 'Ecosystem Exchange' in which users get to earn a lot; the level of user participation within the level01 platform is directly proportional to the amount and value of reward that stands to be gained. This incentive keeps users of the platform effectively motivated to participate and interact with other users and attract more users by means of referrals.

The objectives of Level01 includes to make trading so much easier for a newbie trader just joining the cryptocurrency world and to ensure professional traders get their desired trading experiences with the trading tools made available; Level01 also strives to build up trust within the ecosystem by making every transaction details accessible and readily available to the public. This level of transparency would no doubt make Level01 become the no.1 trading and exchange platform and would continue to attract more investors and cryptocurrency traders.
Level01 points towards the future while also solving the present issues associated with trading and exchange platforms by virtue of its innate features.
  1. Deposit / withdrawal
  2. Wallet security issues
  3. All this together will allow investors to concentrate fully on the trading activities
The Level01 platform promotes transparency and fairness and is designed to provide the most efficient level of trading in the market for retail and commercial investors.

Trade with peer exchange (P2P) involves the participation of two parties that interact with each other in conducting business transactions. Since third parties do not participate, there may be a state of non-compliance with the obligations by one or the other party in a commercial transaction.

Trading through intermediaries is effective, but it provides investors and their funds with other types of risks, such as excessive transaction costs, suspended withdrawals, market manipulation, commercial intermediaries or clients against metabolic attacks.

Level01 uses contracts and smart technology to block automatic payment of p2p transactions, resolve trust issues and not fulfill tasks, allowing investors to avoid the negative aspects of centralized agents.

The mobile / web application Level01 allows investors to interact directly with each other for trading.
Investors choose the category of assets in which they are interested, for example, Forex or Crypto-currency;
Commercial investors through the issuance of option contracts in the market using the following parameters:

The Level01 Exchange Token.
The Level01 is the future of the financial system and would essentially be a self sustaining ecosystem. The Level01 token symbol is LVX with a total supply of 1,200,000,000 LVX.

  • PUBLIC SALES - 72%
  • MARKETING - 15%
  • REGULATION - 10%
  • LAW - 06%
  • OPERATION - 06%

MAY-DEC 2018
  • Trader chat system (Internal chat system with history and trade interaction).
  • P2P Options exchange private alpha.
  • Android mobile app.
  • Automated trade follow( follow trade system, auto commission distribution).
  • P2P options exchange public beta(android mobile app).
  • Assets Integrated(forex, cryptocurrency).
  • P2P CFD trading contracts.
  • P2P options exchange public launch.
  • Multi trader options exchange trade matching.
  • API for external ecosystem.
  • Additional assets(additional forex pairs, additional crypto, new commodities).
JAN-OCT 2019
  • Expanded Analytics.
  • Multi trader room module launch.
  • Neural net II.
  • Automated trade matching.
  • API for external liquidity pool.
  • Tournament module launch.
  • Dapp store for platform trading algorithms.
  • Web application launch.
  • Integrated in-wallet LVX to BTC/ETH token conversion.
  • Framework for AI instructions automated trading.
  • Trader statistics and analysis.
  • LVX token exchange to card.
  • Blockchain migration proof of activity with deflationary mechanism.
  • Additional Assets(additional crypto, additional commodities, new equities).



My wallet: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Blockchain UBANK

There are multiple reasons as to why. Comparatively few businesses accept cryptocurrencies as payment, and effective conversion can be difficult or financially risky as well. Government and bank hostility towards cryptocurrencies further undermines their liquidity. But perhaps the biggest obstacle is that of ignorance. The average consumer may have heard of cryptocurrencies, but does not understand the principles behind them or the cryptocurrency market. Acquiring cryptocurrencies may have become much simpler than before, but to many people, even that process can seem discouragingly inaccessible. Actually using them, especially in a rational and profitable way, can be genuinely difficult even for more online-savvy individuals.

Pentathon Pte Ltd, the company behind the new Ubanx cryptocurrency exchange, hopes to remedy this situation by implementing an innovative vision. While cryptocurrency exchanges are nothing new by this point, Pentathon hopes to make its offering uniquely accessible to newcomers. On top of that, however, it also plans to foster a community around cryptocurrency adaption and set up a network of brick and mortar cryptocurrency retail stores that would literally let people off the street join the cryptoindustry.

How will Ubanx work?

Ubanx is going to include three key elements, the first two of which are standard for this kind of product. The Ubanx wallet, which could be accessed through a mobile app, will allow its users to buy, sell or transfer cryptocurrencies, exchanging them for fiat or other cryptocurrencies. Later on, it should also integrate certain third-party financial services, such as P2P lending and remittances. The Ubanx Pro Exchange will be a more advanced trading platform, to be eventually integrated with additional options such as online tutorials and AI-assisted portfolio optimisation. These premium services will be available to the holders of BANX tokens, who will also enjoy various discounts on transaction fees, products and services throughout the Ubanx ecosystem and will further benefit from a fee reduction schedule on the trading platform.

The third and most innovative element is called Ubanx Spaces: Physical cryptocurrency retail stores, where ordinary people will be able to open cryptocurrency accounts with the guidance of Ubanx experts. It will also be possible to purchase blockchain-related hardware (such as mining equipment or hardware wallets) and deposit or withdraw money from Ubanx wallets (optionally with cash). The location of those stores may vary (some may be in malls, while others could have their own buildings), as could other services present on the site. Many of them are expected to be integrated with existing or new coffee houses or coworking spaces. The stores can also be used for Ubanx community events.

Pentathon will use BANX to take active steps to encourage both the growth of its ecosystem and the mainstreaming of cryptocurrencies. Community members could be rewarded with tokens for acting as Ambassadors, whether it takes the form of blogging, event organising or referring new users. Another option would be to become a teacher in the Ubanx Crypto School, which will be used to provide training and courses on all aspects of blockchain technology and the cryptoindustry to company employees and individual participants alike. Pupils will likewise be incentivised to participate in those courses with BANX awarded to them for reaching certain milestones. BANX holders will be able to take part in workgroups that will discuss the further development of this ecosystem. Last but not least, it will be possible for certain eligible participants to create new Ubanx franchises by bidding BANX in auctions. The highest bidders will receive ZONE tokens that represent their right to set up a franchise in a given region (ranging from a street to a city in size). Those tokens could be traded on a secondary exclusive BANX market. Franchises could be opened by one individual or business or crowdfunded with the help of a Webanx smart contract.

What makes Ubanx stand out?

As can be seen from the above, Ubanx has a very purpose-driven design. It aims to make its services accessible through user-friendly interfaces and offers of both expert (company) and amateur (community) support. By establishing physical stores and allowing the use of cash, it stands to draw a large previously untapped target market to its cryptocurrency services. The Crypto School, with its incentives for both teachers and pupils, serves the goal of educating a large variety of people about cryptocurrencies and subsequently adding them to the Ubanx ecosystem. Finally, allowing new franchises to be set up by third parties all around the world and creating a flexible system by which they may be funded enables potentially limitless expansion.

The team behind Ubanx has extensive experience in the fields of banking, fintech and coworking. It has been involved in the cryptoindustry since 2013 and began working on Ubanx core technology in 2017. In addition to global partners such as Trezor and Priority Pass, it has also secured the support of a number of Argentinean companies: The Coffee Store, Transatlantic Bank and La Maquinita (a coworking network). This not only provides Pentatech with the initial supply chain needed to set up Ubanx Spaces, but also complements its strategy of concentrating on the underserved but tech-savvy market of Latin America first before bringing its proven model elsewhere.

Token sale details

Making cryptocurrencies more accessible to the man on the street is not just an idealistic goal. It is a very real necessity to help sustain the cryptocurrency boom and connect it and its participants to the overall economy. Nor would its benefits be confined to solving the liquidity problem. After all, cryptoindustry startups are critically dependent on public support. If more people had a working understanding of blockchain technologies and participated in the market, more worthwhile projects would have a chance to gain support.

Has Ubanx discovered the way by which this mainstreaming effect could be accomplished? In truth, that is unclear. Its offered model is fairly ambitious and comprehensive, and has buy-in from some important partners. But whether its partnerships and physical stores will be able to attract enough ordinary users for its ecosystem to take off is impossible to tell in advance. It would not hurt reveal more about its basic services, as well as how exactly the community rewards system will work. But if it can succeed in tapping a new market for cryptocurrencies, it would be able to become a crucial player in the industry during its transition to the mainstream.

Information visit Links:
Website: https://ubanx.io/
WhitePaper: https://bit.ly/2J9BJ5n
Telegram: https://t.me/UbanxSpaces
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ubanxspaces/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UbanxSpaces
Medium: https://medium.com/@ubanxspaces/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3441672.0

Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1444856
My wallet: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0


The biggest and most important social achievement in recent decades is the Internet without it being difficult for us to imagine today. You can treat it differently, but humans really live the transition between our real world and the digital world created. Communication, entertainment, shopping and online shops. And the relatively new direction, but one that is growing very quickly, is the purchase of virtual goods, things that are not in real life, in the digital world, but it's important that consumers spend most of their time time on the Internet. Over the past decade, the sale of virtual goods has exploded alongside the exponential growth of social media and gaming.

This all-new product category was born as part of the transition to a "freemium economy" where consumers expect to get the services they want free, from information to mobile gaming. Companies still have to pay the bills, and they have become creative in terms of monetization. The traditional approach has relied on advertising, but for many digital businesses, integrated virtual goods purchasing offers a new way to keep the light while enhancing the user experience.

Games like Second Life, World of Warcraft, Ultima Online and dozens of others offer the ability to interact with thousands of players around the world in virtual environments that continue to exist, that a particular person plays or not right now. It will not be surprising that, as with most new trends, young consumers drive growth in virtual goods sales. In addition, the market is much more mature in other parts of the world than in North America, particularly in Asia. Entry into the virtual goods market provides brands with a new opportunity to reach these two highly desirable demographic groups and may also present a relatively low-risk way of testing new markets.

And the fact that the products do not really exist is an advantage in itself. This commodity is not limited by the physical limitations of the real world. The time and financial constraints of product development and supply chain concerns are far from over. In many cases, the platform or developer will do the job of creating the virtual good themselves, all that the brand has to do is to approve. This is because, for these digital platforms, the goods have become a vital means of making money. introduce new content that maintains engagement among users.


The problem of creating a successful and branded virtual products market is fragmentation. Today, digital platforms function as closed ecosystems and brands are fragmented, operating in silos with little accessibility. In addition, there are very different examinations of brand contrasts such as geographical location, demographics, license fees, marketing power and attractiveness.


BLMP (Blockchain Licensing Marketplace) is a B2B2C blockchain company that processes B2B2C transactions and delivers value through efficiency, traceability, and security. BLMP is a pioneer of licensed virtual products and BLMP's mission is to connect the IP licensing industry to digital platforms. BLMP leverages blockchain-based crypto-token technology to easily produce and exchange liquid values ​​in digital ecosystems.


BLMP is addressing this complex business problem by creating an extensive collaborative network of global brands and digital platforms to facilitate the licensing process. BLMP is ideally positioned for cruising because of its relationships with established licensing companies such as Evolution and BDLabs, with a combined total of more than 1,000 customers, partners, properties and brands. The Epic token powers BLMP's blockchain B2B licensing platform and is used by consumers to acquire branded virtual goods.

Finally, apart from the stealth, BLMP has worked hard before the launch and within 3 months, the start-up has created a fully functional product, has gained tons of traction (more than 1000 brands, millions of active users monthly) and has a revenue model that works!


The EPIK token is the ultimate means of collecting branded items on any digital platform, such as video games, mobile games, virtual reality, augmented reality, social networks and branded emojis. On top of that, this symbolic sale features Token Collectible rewards - something truly unique. Considering he has the lead author of ERC-721 on our team and we specialize in ERC-721 collectibles, we thought it would be cool to reward buyers with collectibles that offer abilities Special.


Epic articles are special items that are unique in nature. Epic objects are secured and stored in the blockchain. Collect different EPIK items in various digital platforms and view them anytime and anywhere in the EPIK App.


The proprietary technology behind the scenes inside the EPIK application. The EPIK Wallet is used to buy, trade and collect EPIK items in your favorite games and social platforms.

You can learn more about:

WEB: https://www.epiktoken.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://www.epiktoken.io/assets/pdf/BLMP_whitepaper.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/EpikToken
TWITTER: https: // twitter. com / epiktoken
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/EpikToken

Technology Blackbox

Technology has developed exponentially, making business organizations that are very broad, distributed, and efficient that are equipped for future excellence in work. But to explain the future, past and present must be understood.Traditional organizations are organizations that prioritize hierarchy, precedents, and subjectivity. Such organizations have been around for decades, and the majority of people have relative displeasure to be part of it. This is a soul-destroying experience to do something you don't believe in, with a tool that you don't want to use, while getting far less compensation than you deserve.Although an extreme example, almost everyone can associate at least one of these scenarios.

The consequences of traditional organizations not only lead to workers who are not involved with lower quality of work and output, but also to inefficient organizations. Traditional organizations are filled with inefficiencies because the tools needed to complete work are siloed, expensive, repetitive, and often inaccurate. In a world where we can cure diseases and have Teslas orbiting the earth, why are we still limited to ancient prejudices with

Blackbox Operating System (Blackbox OS or BBOS), a flexible and evolving operating system for organizations, is designed to automate advanced functions of administration and institutional connectivity. Because traditional organizations switch from ancient business models, they will need an interface between the current script and electronic contracts and smart contracts.
Token Blackbox bridges the gap between a decentralized world and enables organizations to release the power of distributed technology, artificial intelligence, and other leading technologies. The evolution and growth of decentralized networks will drastically improve human cooperation and reduce costs by aligning stakeholders, providing incentives to contributors and increase transparency in decision making.


Blackbox OS (BBOS) is a business operating system for managing distributed companies, teams, and projects on blockchain. Built on Ethereum, BBOS is a DApp that serves internal contributors, member organizations, and token holders that are also collectively known as the Blackbox Network. We are at the cusp of a radical transformation in how business is carried out, how value is acquired, and how humans create and be compensated.

Through blockchain and AI technology, the Blackbox token enables increased transparency, equality, and profitability to improve for all. We embrace change and use our power as a collaborative community to rethink ways to do things that focus on the common good, rather than the lack of mutual interest in the benefits of people's institutions.

By removing barriers between silo organizations, we shorten communication, develop sophisticated tools, share best practices, and gain interoperability to open new opportunities in the world. The future of a job is here, and we will move forward towards a new alternative form of work.

lackbox OS, the main DApp will utilize the combination of smart contract and IPFS as a backend. IPFS will store static assets across all hosted node networks. Static assets include front-end code, contributor data, and collective data and are stored through IPFS to limit the size of data stored on the blockchain. IPFS is our tool of choice because it stores data in a decentralized way, is easy to implement, and provides asymmetric encryption.

Contributions that add value to the Blackbox Network are rewarded with reputation points. Reputation is a numerical value associated with each contributor and is obtained to complete the task. Dynamic individual scores with recent contributions receive higher weight. By calculating reputation scores for individual contributions, we can reward contributors based on their impact and encourage the expected behavior appropriately. Furthermore, reputation will have an impact on the weight of individual voters. A higher reputation will also increase the chance to "win" a Deliverable.

Deliverable Value Points are input metrics that reflect deliverable values ​​based on the types of skills and skill levels needed, anticipated efforts (at the skill level), fair market levels, and factors that allow for adjusting elements such as priorities and appeal that can be delivered (whether tangible or intangible).Metrics and self-determination processes that determine replacing outdated and more subjective traditional estimates. DVP emerged from the most difficult points we noticed when compiling SOW proposals or projects. DVP is an independent validated assessment to determine the anticipated scope and value.

The use of Modules is supported by a combination of protocols, additional code, IP, and AI with the aim to be easily integrated into the existing collective to provide a quick victory. Modules can be in the form of services, products, or mixes. Modules can be selected and distributed to participating organizations with subscription fees. The proposal module is built around the proposal idea. A proposal is an executable contract built around a particular project or shipment that can be submitted by the token holder. Within the framework, contributors will be able to obtain tokens actively or passively working on tasks. Classes of basic proposals are stored in general and contain deadlines, income, costs, and milestones, and this base class can be inherited to complete more specific tasks.

Introduction Tokens
BBOS tokens are value and exchange units in the Blackbox Network ecosystem.Participants are empowered to determine preferences for work schedules, segments and categories. The influence gained through a reputation system by consistently demonstrating value in a meritocratic system. Aligning the incentives of all people across distributed networks creates the possibility of a new world. BBOS tokens provide rights that result in product usage, governance, contribution mechanisms, and access to products. Tokens are atomic units of value exchange within ecosystems that result in the creation of transactional economics between projects, participants, and token holders. Various features allow Participants to get value and spend it on internal services to the inherent ecosystem.

Tokens are an efficient method and a preferred transaction engine. This is the key to activating transactions without charge in the Blackbox Operating System.Tokens offer lower limits for processing transactions and can be utilized in future DAO growth. Similar to the toll on the freeway, the token will be a pay-per-rail used to access the BBOS blockchain infrastructure and access "AI Toolbox".This also ensures that the user has skin in the game. This can include flexible traction costs based on the DVP project. Reputation requirements for accessing certain smart contracts, or other metric metrics.

After the contract is deployed, BBOS tokens will appear to create a value-based transactional economy. Genuine tokens are needed to facilitate internal mechanisms that empower our decentralized collaboration. This token will encourage decentralized cooperation by encouraging behavior, optimizing performance, providing structure and becoming a fast, safe and cost-effective method of payment.


Be part of the future You need to know at the moment Sales tokens receive registration for presale who will come on a first come first basis served. By completing & submitting the registration form, after being approved, you will be whitelisted to buy Tokken Blackbox (BBOS). And Receive notifications & priorities when presale is launched.

Token Details
Presale Sale
50% Bonus First $ US 3,000,000
until Sept 27th or $ 3m stamp reached (37,500,000 BBOS)
Ticker: BBOS
Token Type : ERC20
Token Price : 1 BBOS = $ 0.16 ($ USD)
5 + ETH qualify for bonus contributions. Pre-ICO ends Sept 27, 2018 (12:00 PM) EDT or until the maximum cap is reached.
Accepted : ETH
Supply Token : 1,000,000,000 total
Sold on Pre-Sale 50% Discount: 37,500,000
Sold on Pre-Sale 25% Discount: 58,333,333
Total Pre-Sale Hard Cap: $ USD 10,000,000

Formore info: 

Website: https://token.blackboxfoundation.org/
Whitepaper: https://docsend.com/view/zn2axya
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4517962.0
Telegram: https://t.me/blackboxtoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blackbox_found
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blackboxfoundationofficial/

Wallet: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0


HEROIC.com is a project that represents an intelligent, open cybersecurity ecosystem. The project is based on blockade technology, its purpose is to protect against various modern cyber threats.
includes an entire ecosystem consisting of 3 important elements - HEROIC Arc Reactor, HEROIC Guardian and R & D Environment.

Users participating in the ecosystem will be provided with a multifunctional software (software) consisting of protection against threats using AI (artificial intelligence), a safe wallet for HRO tokens and connection to the ecosystem. The software will be available for many devices: PCs, laptops, smartphones, etc.

HEROIC.com will provide an opportunity for people to earn tokens HRO. It will be people who allow their devices anonymously to become part of the ecosystem, forming a powerful team of individual devices and processing power. These devices will participate in the mining of threats, and receive a reward for the extracted information and intelligence, expressed in HRO tokens. The HEROIC.com team will facilitate the participation of users without understanding how the underlying technology works, and will provide online courses within the framework of the Guardian platform - it is a common cloud platform for cyber security, providing an accessible interface for everyone.

Another feature of HEROIC.com. The project will provide free access to the entire ecosystem for different developers. A particularly important advantage for developers is the R & D environment, which provides an opportunity to explore, develop, test and distribute their own software and algorithms. This is a very interesting and important function. They will receive an award for their various designs. The remuneration is provided through the HRO token. Organizations will also have open access to the entire ecosystem to protect their information.

Name of the token: HRO
Type of the token: ERC-20
Price of the token: 1 HRO = 0.1125 USD
Soft cap: 2,500,000 USD
Hard cap: 41,000,000 USD


HEROIC.com will provide an opportunity for people to earn tokens HRO. It will be people who allow their devices anonymously to become part of the ecosystem, forming a powerful team of individual devices and processing power. These devices will participate in the mining of threats, and receive a reward for the extracted information and intelligence, expressed in HRO tokens. The HEROIC.com team will facilitate the participation of users without understanding how the underlying technology works, and will provide online courses within the framework of the Guardian platform - it is a common cloud platform for cyber security, providing an accessible interface for everyone.



HEROIC.com looks large and relevant. It is worth noting the fact that the project carries a complex development from cyberattacks. A big plus was free access to the ecosystem for developers and various organizations, as well as the ability to earn tokens. 

Formore info:

Author: sabqie2

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

What is OutoftheCloud?

What is OutoftheCloud?
OUToftheCLOUD.com is the next generation in file sharing solutions that offers a dynamic presentation and instant delivery platform for its users. With a simple 2 step process the user is able to upload and submit all of their desired video, audio, document and image files. In doing so a professionally displayed secured web page presentation showcasing all of the files selected is created.

How Outcloud Works
Add Your FileSimply add most file popular file formats, including video, to your new folders!
Preview Your PresentationAfter processing your files, Outcloud allows you to change your file presentation on or dashboard on the fly before sending your files or data!
Copy Presentation LinkCopy and paste your link, and this is no ordinary boring link! This link opens up to a whole new way your files are looked at!
Glamourized FilesThose boring drab files now make a bigger impression with outcloud!

OUToftheCLOUD.com offers its users many of the benefits of cloud computing with none of the risks involved with the cloud. Instead of requiring access to all of your computer files as is found in cloud computing based solutions OUToftheCLOUD.com allows you, the user, to access all of your files on all of your devices from anywhere in the world by way of a proprietary (me-to-me) micro networking feature.

Me-to-Me micro networking works in a similar fashion to Peer-to-Peer networking with one major difference, you are only networking within the safety of the devices that are under your total and exclusive control. The reason for this is to allow you, the user, to remotely access the files you need from multiple devices and from anywhere in the world. To send these files in an instant secured web page presentation to any number of recipients OUToftheCLOUD.com is also the delivery vehicle that makes that not only possible but simple and easy to do.

OUToftheCLOUD.com will be giving away a limited number of FREE premium accounts. Don't wait visit us at prelaunch.OUToftheCLOUD.com and preregister to reserve your place in line in order to reserve your FREE account today!

Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Details
The issuance will be broadly classified into two sections – pre-ICO and ICO. The distribution of coins into two phases ensures that the funds are being allocated appropriately and the corresponding results are being achieved for the same. This will ensure a controlled deployment of funds as various projects and product features are introduced to the community.

Information Token

Name of coin -> OutCloud Coin
Platform -> Ethereum
Symbol -> OUT
Total Coin Supply -> 1,200,000,000
Pre-ICO Supply -> 300,000,000
ICO Supply ->400,000,000
Accepted Contributions ->ETH
Protocol -> ERC20
Minimum Contibution Amount -> 10 USD(Amt in ETH.)


Pre-ICONo. of Coins Available: 300 Million
Begining: 1st August 2018
End: 31st August 2018
1 OUT: 0.10 USD

No. of Coins Available: 400 million
Beginning: 1st September 2018
End: 30th September 2018
1 OUT: 0.15 USD

Week 1: 30%
Week 2: 20%
Week 3: 10%
Week 4: 5%

Buyer Benefits
Outcloud is best suited for an ICO model as the project is so vast that it will be executed in stages and according to milestones, which can be achieved through ICO project funding. By contributing to the project, you are enabling this innovative product to be released to the public sooner. So, what's in it for the early investors?
Early coin appreciation for Pre-ICO & ICO participants
Potential to gain coin appreciation even before coin listing.
Secured investment in soon to be World's Largest File and Data Distribution Brand.
Ability to capitalize on a projects potential from day one.
Opportunity to be part of OutCloud, the future of Secure, Decentralized File and Data Sharing Systems.

Up here explanation from me about the OutoftheCloud Project and for further information, please visit the link I provided below:

Website: https://www.outofthecloud.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.outofthecloud.io/OutCloud_Systems_White_Paper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/GGVHiA9p9YUJS2mfi4a58A
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OutCloudSystems
Medium: https://medium.com/@admin_9757
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJGpH31JeC9Pc7wWtzCpCNQ
Github: https://github.com/outcloud786/OUTSmartContract/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/outcloudsystems/

Wallet: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0

Ekosistem NHCT

Tentang NHCT
Munculnya spesialisasi klinis dan perkembangan teknologi telah mempercepat masalah fragmentasi catatan di dalam lingkungan perawatan kesehatan. Fragmentasi, yang dibiakkan oleh tempat menarik dan penelitian tentang penyakit yang belum menikah, sebagai ganti evaluasi ilmiah terhadap individu secara keseluruhan, telah memicu “masalah kesehatan besar dari peningkatan biaya yang tidak berkelanjutan, denda negatif, dan ketidaksetaraan.” Meningkatkan kebugaran secara keseluruhan, paling sederhana dapat diselesaikan dengan metode “yang mempertimbangkan perilaku berbagai faktor yang saling berinteraksi, yang meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat secara keseluruhan dalam komunitas.
Ia menggunakan blockchain untuk membangun suasana kebugaran dan kesejahteraan yang mendunia dan terdesentralisasi yang dikenal sebagai "NHCT". Suasana NHCT memanfaatkan kesehatan Nano, utilitas kami yang diakui sebagai penghargaan dengan catatan peningkatan kebugaran yang dikonfirmasi.

Ekosistem Blockchain
Token NHCT adalah salah satu sponsor acara, menjadi peserta pitch ICO. Ini hanyalah sebuah bionetwork yang didukung blockchain yang berkaitan dengan penyediaan kesehatan secara keseluruhan. Ini menekankan pada kesehatan individualisasi bagi kami dan menjamin bahwa teknik perawatan kesehatan tidak hanya operasional, tetapi juga terorganisasi dengan baik.

Ekosistem beroperasi melalui sarana penghubung menghubungkan, pelanggan serta perusahaan pada satu berdiri, melalui cara memanfaatkan protokol informasi tiga-tandai token untuk fungsi gadget fiskal di antara para peserta.

Pada awal konferensi, NHCT diberikan kemungkinan untuk merilis prototipe blockchain mereka. Untungnya, mereka telah berhasil mengamankan investasi pertama mereka untuk penjualan pribadi, dengan reaksi luar biasa dari kami yang berbeda yang mengambil bagian dalam acara tersebut.
Arsitektur Teknis

Hyperledger mengelola semua pengguna dan peran data kesehatan, manajemen kesehatan yang dipatenkan dan algoritma peramalan
Public Ethereum Blockchain untuk mengelola token utilitas NHCT
Arsitektur manajemen penyimpanan hibrid, berdasarkan pemisahan data dari IPFS, DDMS dan Blockchain sendiri

Total Kesehatan
Banyak penggemar blockchain sebaik investor telah berada di fungsi yang lebih tinggi untuk memahami layaknya pabrikan. Hal ini terkait dengan pilihan membangun keseluruhan kesejahteraan yang akan menggerakkan metode panjang dalam membantu pelanggan menuju keunggulan hidup yang unggul dan lebih tinggi.

Salah satu hakim, Irina Litchfield, mengucapkan selamat kepada para pekerja yang datang dengan usaha perawatan kesehatan yang kreatif yang berperan dalam menambah kesehatan dalam masyarakat standar. Ini hanya karena faktanya hanya ada beberapa tugas yang dapat diakses di blockchain.

Pada saat hari konferensi, angkatan kerja NHTC mengambil keuntungan di lapangan ICO, tempat lagi, mereka telah berhasil mengamankan tanggapan yang sangat pasti dari para peserta. CEO perusahaan, Manish Ranjan, menegaskan bahwa pabrikan memiliki warisan yang bagus sementara melibatkan penyediaan layanan perawatan kesehatan.

Ini hanya karena fakta dalam masa lalu kontemporer, mereka telah berhasil mencapai lebih dari 70.000 orang, dimana mereka menangani mereka untuk penyakit tidak menular seperti diabetes dan kolesterol. Pabrikan bekerja sama dengan pemerintah negara bagian Telengana, serta perusahaan yang berbeda selama beberapa tahun sebelumnya, di mana mereka menyediakan dasbor yang dapat diukur dan dilacak dengan baik untuk lembaga dan masyarakat.

Menurut Praveen Dwarkanath, bagian atas pola ekosistem di NanoHealth, mereka melakukan semuanya untuk menjamin bahwa NHCT adalah ICO patokan. Pabrikan menikmati realitas yang tidak lagi seperti ICO klinis yang berbeda, mereka yang berhasil menghasilkan 100 persen data sumur bersertifikat.

Protokol informasi three-tier perusahaan membuat mereka mungkin memberi insentif kepada pembeli untuk setiap gerakan yang mereka ambil pada saat yang sama mereka bekerja untuk menambah kesehatan mereka, seperti pergi ke permainan nyata dan menerima pemeriksaan klinis kesehatan berkala.

Tenaga kerja NHCT menyatakan dalam pitch bahwa investor pribadi mungkin mendapatkan gratifikasi sebaik perlindungan tingkat yang unik. Mereka telah berhasil menggaet komitmen senilai $ 2 juta untuk periode penjualan pribadi.

Token Nanohealthcare (NHCT) Menerima Komitmen $ 2 Juta Dalam Dua Hari Selama Peluncuran

Wallet: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0