Saturday, July 20, 2019


EMJAC Driving Environmental Change through Waste to Energy Initiatives via:
Leverage the latest Blockchain technology to solve the global waste tyre stockpile
Reduce illegal waste tyre dumping by creating value for waste tyres
Streamline and trace the movement of waste tyres from source to recycling plant
Increase the percentage of global waste tyres recycled in an environmental friendly manner
Grant a long-term worldwide sustainable and renewable energy supply
Providing a solution and trading platform for waste tyre supplies, logistics and products

EMJAC: Driving Environmental Change through Waste to Energy Initiatives via:
EMJAC token strives towards creating a complete recovery cycle for P2P and B2B in order to promote higher penetration of recycling and knowledge sharing that the waste tyres are being managed and recycled in an environment friendly manner. Through TRU and blockchain technology, our token holders will be able to understand, track and trace the movements of waste tyres to the thermal recovery plants around the world and the subsequent recycled products.
EMJAC's market place will allow token holders to trade on the supply and demand of waste tyres in each country, shipping quotes and buying and selling the recycled products of synthetic diesel, refined black and steel wires on a global marketplace. Such a trading opportunity exists due to the different prices of such commodities especially diesel which is an integral energy requirement in every country.
EMJAC's blockchain ecosystem is designed to complete the recycling circle where producers of waste tyres (P2P, B2B, P2B, B2P) will have the ability to create long term value for waste tyres while supporting the noble aim to protect our Mother earth and reduce the adverse impact of the 2 billion waste tyres generated globally every year.

IEO Tokens Details
Tokens Offered - 350M
Soft Cap (Public IEO) - $8M
Tokens Distributed - 30 days after token sale ends

Info token
Token - EMJ
Platform - Ethereum
Type - ERC20
PreICO price - 1 EMJ = 0.08 USD
Price in ICO - 0.1100 USD

Token Allocation
Product Development -70%
Marketing/Partners - 7%
Team & Operations - 20%
Bounty - 3%


2016 Q1

Concept Generation
Team Assemble

2016 Q2

Proving the concept can work
Strategic Plan
White paper completion
2016 Q3

Lands for refinery sealed
10 Engineers join EMJAC
2017 Q2

Our Technology partner ECSB awarded Pioneer Status with 5 years Tax Exempt from Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
2017 Q3

TRU PROJECT secured for waste tyre recycles
2017 Q4

Strategic Partnership & MOUs
Successful "TRU" R&D with 4 components extracted
2018 Q2

Pre-marketing with strategic partners
2018 Q3

Official Approvals
DOE and Government agencies approvals
2018 Q4

Legal Work
Final Legal Consultation
2019 Q2

Strategic Partnerships and MoUs
2019 Q3

IEO Launch
Partner Exchanges
Listing on Exchanges
2019 Q4

Beta MVP Launch
MVP Launch with traceability functionality
2020 Q1

MVP with Testnet Launch
EMJAC Marketplace Beta Launch
2020 Q2
MainNet Beta Launch
Intergation with EMJAC Mobile App


M.K Kwan - Founder
Chu Wong - Co-Founder
Wan Afif - Green Project Advisor
William Koo - Marketing & Branding Advisor
Eugene Tan - Green Project Procurement Manager
Dr. Ridzuan Said, PhD. - ECSB TRU Consultant
Adnan Ahmed Siddiqui -CTO & Blockchain Advisor
Javeria Naveed -Marketing Manager
Ankit Kumar -Blockchain Developer
Gopinath Sheregar -Tech Partner, IoTracX CXO
Shyamsundar Purkayastha -Tech Partner, IoTracX CTO

For more information: 
Website -
Whitepaper -
Wallet: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0

Monday, July 8, 2019

MYCRO network mobile

Apa itu Mycro?
Kami melepaskan kekuatan komunitas lokal dengan menerapkan protokol kami untuk menghubungkan orang. Melalui platform perubahan permainan ini kami akan membuka pintu untuk menjadi pasar nomor satu di seluruh dunia untuk pencocokan pekerjaan waktu nyata.

Apakah Anda ingin memiliki apartemen yang bersih tetapi saat ini tidak dapat menemukan waktu untuk melakukannya sendiri?
Posting tawaran pekerjaan langsung di aplikasi Mycro kami yang dirancang cantik dan kami pastikan Anda akan terhubung dengan cepat dengan anggota komunitas yang dapat membantu Anda!
Apakah Anda ingin menghasilkan uang dengan cepat dan mudah?
Jelajahi aplikasi Mycro dan temukan pekerjaan yang cocok untuk Anda. Daftar sekarang dan selesaikan pekerjaan.
Sederhana seperti itu.

Kami telah menjadikan tugas kami untuk melindungi kehidupan hadiah yang paling berharga, menawarkan kepada orang-orang: TIME.
Waktu menghubungkan kita semua tanpa memandang asal atau pangkat sosial kita. Waktu terbatas. Waktu terbatas. Kami tidak dapat mengambil atau memperpanjang waktu. Di dunia sekarang ini, waktu kita sebagian besar dikendalikan secara eksternal. Waktu dikendalikan oleh pekerjaan kita, pelanggan kita, kewajiban sosial kita.
Karena itu kami percaya bahwa setiap orang di dunia ini memiliki hak untuk mengendalikan waktu mereka sendiri. Ini adalah visi kami untuk menerapkan hak ini.
Untuk alasan ini, kita akan menciptakan keseimbangan antara waktu dan uang. Kami akan membangun jaringan peer-to-peer global dan desentral untuk pekerjaan sederhana. Orang-orang di seluruh dunia harus memilih sendiri apa yang mereka lakukan, kapan dan untuk siapa mereka bekerja dan berapa waktu mereka.
Misi kami adalah memberi setiap orang akses ke peluang ini tidak peduli apakah mereka datang dari desa di Vietnam, pinggiran Berlin atau dari Downtown Manhattan.

Layanan rumah

Berkebun, membersihkan, merapikan, mendeklarasikan, perbaikan kecil, membersihkan jendela, mencuci, menyetrika, memasak
Jasa pengiriman
Melakukan belanja, layanan mengemudi, layanan transportasi, layanan pengiriman
Layanan virtual
Riset internet, perencanaan perjalanan, layanan bantuan, pekerjaan administratif, survei online
Layanan yang terampil
Bimbingan Belajar, fotografi, pekerjaan model, les piano, pengaturan komputer, pemasangan TV, DJ, pramusaji, pengaturan koneksi internet

Gunakan Mycro Token (MYO) untuk mencapai posisi yang lebih baik di dashboard penyedia pekerjaan. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menentukan jumlah biaya Anda sendiri. Kami menyebutnya belanja kerja.
Dapatkan MYO dari kumpulan hadiah komunitas untuk penilaian yang bagus setelah pekerjaan yang sukses dan bangun komunitas Mycro - dikendalikan oleh kontrak yang cerdas.
Direncanakan bahwa Anda dapat menggunakan Mycro token (MYO) untuk membayar pekerjaan - dengan cara yang andal dan aman menggunakan kontrak cerdas escrow. (berencana)
Kesuksesan Mycro secara signifikan didasarkan pada kegunaan intuitif. Kebutuhan penyedia pekerjaan dan pencari kerja harus dipenuhi dengan cara yang cepat dan tidak rumit. Ini terjadi dengan mencocokkan tawaran pekerjaan yang tepat dengan pencari kerja yang tepat. Baru setelah itu kedua pihak mencapai tujuan mereka. Produk kerja yang bagus untuk penyedia pekerjaan. Pekerjaan yang menyenangkan dan menggiurkan bagi para pencari kerja.
Penggunaan cepat dan sederhana
Algoritme cerdas kami dapat mencocokkan pekerjaan yang tepat dengan pencari kerja yang tepat dengan sangat cepat. Pekerjaan dapat diposkan secara gratis kapan saja. Jobbers melihat pekerjaan kapan saja.
Orang-orang yang asing satu sama lain memiliki masalah kepercayaan. Kami akan menyelesaikan masalah ini melalui sistem rating dan verifikasi terdesentralisasi yang diterapkan oleh kontrak cerdas pada blockchain.
Uang dipegang oleh kontrak cerdas escrow yang terdesentralisasi saat pekerjaan dilakukan. Baik penyedia pekerjaan maupun pencari kerja tidak memiliki akses. Kontrak escrow akan mengurus imbalan pekerja hanya jika pekerjaan itu berhasil.
Biaya rendah
Ini adalah visi kami untuk mengubah Mycro menjadi aplikasi yang sepenuhnya terdesentralisasi (dApp). Dengan menghilangkan perantara, biaya hingga 30% dibebankan oleh perantara tidak lagi harus dibayar. Pekerjaan selalu dapat diposkan tanpa biaya. Jobbers hanya membayar 2% untuk menggunakan Mycro dApp.

Salah satu bagian yang paling cepat berkembang dari pasar tenaga kerja global. Hari ini, 200 juta orang terlibat - jumlah ini diperkirakan akan meningkat menjadi satu miliar dalam beberapa tahun ke depan.
Nilai besar bagi masyarakat
Dengan solusi kami, kami memberi orang-orang kontrol waktu dan uang mereka kembali dan meningkatkan kehidupan jutaan orang.
Sistem terdesentralisasi
Sejak awal, kami membangun arsitektur perangkat lunak kontrak cerdas di blockchain untuk mewujudkan visi sistem yang sepenuhnya terdesentralisasi.
Tim yang brilian
Bersama-sama kami memiliki lebih dari 150 tahun pengalaman dalam membangun perusahaan, perangkat lunak dan pengembangan dan pemasaran blockchain. Dan kami mencintai apa yang kami lakukan.
Mycro ingin memecahkan masalah utama masyarakat. Melalui jaringan peer-to-peer kami untuk pekerjaan sederhana, kami memberi orang-orang kontrol kembali keseimbangan waktu dan uang mereka. Selama ICO kami, maksimal 100 juta MYO akan dibuat. Softcap akan mencapai € 3,5 juta.

Jumlah total MYO: 100.000.000
A) Penjualan pribadi: (26%)
B) Penjualan pre / penjualan Utama: (40%)
C) Reward pool untuk pengguna: (12%)
D) Program Bounty: (5%)
E) Bonus & penasihat: (8%)
F) Tim & Pendiri: (9%)


45% Pemasaran
40% Pengembangan, teknologi & penggajian
8%  Perbankan & crypto
7%  Hukum, konsultasi & administrasi
Fakta & spesifikasi

Simbol: MYO
Softcap: € 3.500.000
Hardcap: € 14.000.000
Token supply: 100.000.000 MYO
Penjualan pribadi: 26.000.000 MYO
Penjualan utama: 40.000.000 MYO
Spesifikasi Blockchain: ERC20 Token
Metode partisipasi: ETH *
Mulai ICO: Q4 / 2018


Mulai - konsepsi Mycro
Tim & perusahaan - Pembentukan Mycro.Jobs GmbH dan pengembangan tim inti, pengembangan kertas putih, tinjauan hukum desain token
MVP - Mulai MVP pengembangan, luncurkan situs web whitelisting
Situs web ICO online, kontrak pintar Crowdsale sudah siap
Q3 / 2018
Penjualan pribadi untuk mitra strategis dengan nilai jangka panjang untuk proyek tersebut
Q4 / 2018
Penjualan pra untuk "investor awal"
Q4 / 2018
Penjualan utama - ICO, pengadaan modal untuk pengembangan jaringan Mycro dan implementasi peta jalan

Q1 / 2019
Daftar pertukaran MYO Kami akan bekerja pada daftar MYO pada bursa teratas yang sesuai
Q1 / 2019
Soft launching MVP Local market (Jerman)
Q3 / 2019
Peluncuran nasional - Aplikasi ini akan diluncurkan di kota-kota Jerman seperti Berlin, Munich, Hamburg dan di kota-kota berbahasa Jerman di Swiss dan Austria.
Q1 / 2020
Peluncuran Eropa - Aplikasi ini akan diluncurkan di Prancis, Spanyol, Swedia, Italia - sebaiknya di Paris, Barcelona, ​​Stockholm, dan Rom
Q4 / 2020
Peluncuran global - Aplikasi ini akan diluncurkan di Asia dan Amerika Serikat

Q2 / 2021
Mulai desentralisasi - Langkah-langkah pengenalan mekanisme manajemen desentralisasi
Q2 / 2022
Desentralisasi penuh - Kapasitas komputer dan penyimpanan yang terdesentralisasi digunakan untuk mengoperasikan ekosistem independen (IPFS, Golem, Sonm)

CEO & Pendiri Pengusaha serial, 20 tahun pengalaman, investor, pembangun perusahaan
HAMBA KRISTEN CMO & Co-Founder Serial entrepreneur sejak tahun 2001, penggila blockchain, brandbuilder
THOMAS BOLLEYER Kepala bagian komunikasi Manajer media sosial dan komunitas, penginjil blockchain sejak 2011
MICHAEL SIEDENBIEDEL Kepala pengembangan perangkat lunak Blockchain, kontrak pintar
TOBIAS FRÖHLICH Pengembang perangkat lunak senior Blockchain, kontrak pintar, iOS / Android
NICOLAS DILLMANN Penasihat inti Co-founder Lab25, ahli strategi digital
MARIO MARTINI Penasihat inti Co-founder Lab25, perancang bisnis
GEORGE SPASOV Pendiri & CDO Limechain Blockchain architekt
NICK TODOROV Pendiri & CEO Limechain Konsultan Blockchain
TOBIAS PITZSCHKE Pengembang perangkat lunak iOS / Android
KATA KRISTEN Web / aplikasi pengembang perangkat lunak
DOMINIK FLADUNG Web / aplikasi pengembang perangkat lunak
JILL JANA LUDWIG  Manajer media sosial
MILLY HAMPE Manajer yang merasa baik University of Elite Dogs, Münster, penggemar bola


Penasihat ICO strategis Kepala kemitraan & pengembangan bisnis di Kraken Digital Asset Exchange
Penasihat ICO strategis Ahli ICO & STO sejak 5 tahun dan penulis larisju
Penasihat hukum Pengacara, kekayaan intelektual, hukum IT
Penasihat keuangan Konsultan pajak dan profesor di FOT Münster
Penasehat bisnis & produk Eisbach Partners, COO (mitfahrzentrale - sekarang blablacar)
Penasehat bisnis & produk
Eisbach Partners, CTO (mitfahrzentrale - sekarang blablacar)
Penasehat bisnis & produk Eisbach Partners, Yahoo, CEO (mitfahrzentrale - sekarang blablacar)
Penasihat ICO Asia-Pasifik Technopreneur dengan pengalaman luas di kawasan APAC.
Penasihat ICO Spesialis dalam daftar / rating ICO dan pertukaran crypto, mitra di DLT Capital.
Uuntuk informasi selengkapnya kunjungi tautan dibawah dibawah:

Dompet erc20: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0

Decentralization Blockchain technology LOL COIN

Lolcoin is a true ecosystem that will soon conquer all lands and continents on our planet. Now everyone will really get a higher education. All the working principles of the Lolcoin platform are based on the principle of a unique, well-developed education system that has been transferred to blockchain technology. Now, every student can identify and choose the study program that best suits them based on scientific evidence. In addition, all training information is stored separately. And only people who use it, who get access rights by scanning fingerprints. The selection of students and their intelligence will also build on the analysis of artificial intelligence.

Education has always been one of the main indicators for educated people who, after graduating from higher education institutions, can use the knowledge acquired throughout the period and find work in this area. People from ancient times have brought forth the value of education, which was originally passed on through word of mouth, then a small school, then a school, and eventually grew into large institutions and universities, where anyone in desperate need of knowledge had the opportunity she is full.

Of course, the education system has not changed significantly since the principle of knowledge provision remains the same. But here is the problem that he is getting more and more.

Of course, somebody will agree, and maybe not, but the fact that our education system has been lagging behind modern technology for 50 years - that's for sure, I do not know about you, but at my street university we have the design of the cars of the last century educated. When you're out and about, drive long-modern, top-of-the-range cars. Tell me, how can I put my knowledge into practice in the future if I look under the hood of a new car and understand nothing there? It turns out that all lectures and listening theories are "empty spaces"?

When we talked with my friends about this issue, we came to the conclusion that a truly modern higher education has lived in the last century and was ineffective. To hide, it does not even promise further work in this area. As long as we have our "education," the world is changing so fast that at the end of your job at the university there is no need. And the saddest thing about everything is that there are many examples today.

Fortunately, the technology is silent and the brilliant minds of humanity are always looking for high-quality solutions to current problems. This direction is no exception, so today I am happy to tell you about a new project.
about the project

The project being discussed today is called - Learn Online Education (LOL). This project intends to introduce a qualitative revolution throughout the higher education system through the introduction of new decentralized technologies and to change the overall concept of teaching theoretical and practical knowledge.

When we talk about LOL in simpler languages, we can safely say that LOL is a unique blockchain platform, where everyone can get a modern and high-quality education. In addition, he will study the most advanced and popular direction of the 21st century and explore development areas such as machine structure, artificial intelligence, and many other technological aspects of modern reality.
Advantages and features

It is important to mention that LOL has the highest educational attainment that is feasible for world class and corresponds to European international universities. In addition, this project uses all the certifications and abstractions required for educational and digital material, securely stored in a decentralized blockchain network. Everyone has the opportunity to receive high-quality training from leading experts from around the world whose experience spans more than a decade. At the same time in online mode, to pass various types of tests, both to improve their university skills and to improve their degree.

For working moments on the platform, they have prepared detailed algorithms to test their candidates, including various personality interpretations with all the next biometric fingerprints required for full system enrollment. Of course, this is not the only benefit of the LOL system. Suffice it to note that access to resources for candidates is not restricted. This means that everyone, no matter where he is and what nationality he is

In addition to practical knowledge and skills, LOL offers candidates the opportunity to earn their first income for certain projects. So you will not only pick up the dry theory, but also support it in the achievement of real income. That sounds perfect to me.

This diversity is rounded off by the development of applications accessible to all types of devices, from smartphones to tablets, laptops and computers. As part of the application, students can communicate in group chatrooms in real time, discuss tasks, and read alerts about new courses, increased certifications, and other educational moments.


Decentralized global digital learning platform
The world's first digital fingerprint personality test
(AI) Powerful personality interpretation algorithm
Blockchain-based student certification
Consulting marketplace with Blockchain
Nationally accredited and internationally accredited certification on the LOL platform of EIU.AC
1. Everything platform. LOL Platform works with the application on desktops, mobile phones and tablets.
2. Decentralized. The decentralized market for digital learning has many sources of revenue.
3rd winning team.
Currently, certified teachers / teachers, certified technologists and recruiting staff are available.
4. Direct RSS feed. News / direct information about new courses, certifications, registrations, consulting services.
55%: STO
6%: determination
4%: Gift / Community
15%: Team
20%: Reserve Fund of the University

Use of the results
45%: LOL ecosystem development
20%: Marketing
20%: operating costs
10%: Legal and Admin
5%: educational reserve / fund



Oliver Massmann
Didier M. Delaval
industry expertise
Joel Farnworth
Robert Brand
Alexander Pulte
Paul Charles
Christian Manaoat
Tina Yang
Robert Park
Mrs. Danish Batool

For more info:

Wallet: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0

Sunday, July 7, 2019


Betting is one of the most established ways of making profits in gaming industry. In antiquated occasions, individuals utilized distinctive methods similar to stones or shell to play in the gaming and betting platform and in the this century, organizations endeavor to proceed with this methods, and we can see an incredible assortment of betting fields like gambling clubs and bookmakers enabling clients to put down wagers, acquire rewards and partake in drawing of prizes. Web based betting pulls in the consideration of gamers since they can win enormous money without leaving their homes. Be that as it may, does it work by as expected?

In spite of the high prominence of web based betting today, this industry has some well known difficulties such as absence of fundamentals controls, delay in processing of funds, lack of trust and transparency as a result of centralization. These and many more issues are what MatchBillion platform will rectify.

As first new players to goes with chance as displacing use with the unique of identification to gains with the complete of access into the blockchain lottery system with the MatchBillion platform.

To plays with regular scheme on works of evaluation to put of ticket on future terms of drawing as expecting the fine on rank on prize to win with the games on lotto playing as the MEGA MILLION or EURO MILLION.

What Is MatchBillion?
This is a betting platform, which aims to bring a new twist to the concept of betting industry. Punters on the platform will be able to make bets in the game and events during the jackpot at the same time. MatchBillion gives you the opportunity to bet on a wider range of functions than regular bets, including in different games and events mostly JACKPOT. This is due to the fact that regular bets mainly relate to the outcome of the game, and it has various prizes that accompany the results. MatchBillion uses actual PowerBall ( or Mega Millions or Euro Millions, depending upon the game ) drawings to determine jackpot winners.The line of digits in jackpot is sure to make you dizzy! All you need to do is to guess a few numbers and if there is a match, the prize is yours. Register your account with us.

Features MatchBillion
Bets are fairly simple to place and can be made with one finger. All the user has to do is select the direction, size and time frame for placing the bet.


The system gives payouts to players during a match, there is no need to wait for the end of the match. There are fixed odds against a bookmaker in singleplayer mode, while odds are more dynamic with a pool system in multiplayer mode.

Bid on the Accuracy
Accuracy of the system is precisely related to modern technology and fine-tuning mechanisms that track the process of the game, such as tracking of balls and players, events, Jackpot as well as statistics of teams and players that help to present the match in detail

Why does MatchBillion Need Blockchain?
Transparency and fairness

All graphic points are increasingly stored on the blockchain, available for public review, which eliminates fraud.

Bet tracking

You can see all bets that have been made without disclosure of bettor's personal information.

Smart Contract

Support game logic and standard payment calculations in Multiplayer, fully protect intermediary-free transactions.

What Makes MatchBillion Unique?
It has bets with almost instant outcomes, Gamification, It’s dynamic and involving, Users don’t need to think about the odds.

Betting on MatchBillion is a unique platform that combines sports betting in highly profitable games with live match dynamics. Modern technology and the latest advances in the field of AI allow us to recreate soccer, event matches in the form of charts that move up or down depending on the current field situation. While regular bets (as well as versions in the game) revolve around match results, we offer the opportunity to place bets literally on everything that happens during a live match by making a split second decision. MatchBillion is a concept, the main purpose of which is the possibility for fans and users to bet on the game, predict the development of events and make schedules for the future, while tracking the unfolding matches in real time. And the result of good bets is, accordingly, the actual profit, which arouses more interest in jackpot fans to this platform.

Why MatchBillion Project Has Adopted Blockchain Technology?
Blockchain innovation has turned into an answer for the issues in various ventures. The web based betting industry has a great deal of issues, and blockchain has tagged along in the nick of time to spare the circumstance. By what method can blockchain innovation spare the betting world?

First of all is through its Anonymity. Here and there gambling clubs request that players supply personal data or information while making and confirming their records. The procedure is very long and thats why blockchain technology has been introduced by MatchBillion platform to keep the players data safe and secured unlike other gaming platforms.

Before, online gambling clubs have utilized a few methods and tricks to take from clients directly in front of them. Extortion made numerous players stress and avoid the business. In the event that players remain away, gambling clubs can't profit. Blockchain innovation can change this and effectively support trust among clients and let them wager with certainty. Blockchain through the use of smart-contracts check records on a ledger that can't be controlled. This method adequately builds trust and increase transparency level in the system.

Numerous sites and organizations acknowledge digital forms of money as a payment method. Digital forms of money are turning into the famous method of payment. They offer clients the chance to bet online without revealing their identity and thats what exactly MatchBillion platform is offering the players globally. With MatchBillion platform, Players can get a substantially more secure approach to gather rewards. In addition, it's an immediate cost investment funds for gambling club sites, which can improve net revenues, since club utilizing digital forms of money can bypass money dealing with commissions.

MatchBillion has introduced its own token in the platform which will be used for playing games in the platform. The platform is designed in such a way that holders of the MatchBillion token (MBL) will be able to participate directly in the predictions and gaming activities. MatchBillion platform uses the results and drawing from the POWERBALL sites in which this will help increasing the trusts and transparency level of the platform.

Presently players can easily select different numbers they want in the platform and once 5 matches the results the players can easily win almost 1,000,000 MBL token + additional 10 ETH

There have been procedures starting from selection of numbers top the final stages which players can follow in MATCHBILLION platform in order to play game in the platform. All what players need to do is to register in the platform through the website link below and verify the email for registration.


For more Information :
Website :
ANN Thread :
Telegram Group:

Wallet eth: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0


The launch of Berlin for Bitcoins Bitbond loan celebrates a new milestone in its business. The Federal Office of Financial Control of Germany - BaFin - has presented Bitbond, as the first company that provides financial services on the basis of the blockchain, generating has the license for the financing of small businesses in Germany. Now the company has full independence from the banks.

Bitbond offers small businesses the ability to access cheap credit, while creditors receive favorable interest rates. Because the Bitbond loan works exclusively with bitcoins, neither the debtor nor the creditor needs a bank account, which makes Bitbond particularly attractive to borrowers with weak access to the banking system.

Since its launch in 2013, Bitbond has published more than 1400 credits based on bitcoins and boasts a large user base, consisting of residents from over 120 countries.

About getting a license BaFin, founder and CEO of Bitbond Radoslaw Albrecht said that Bitbond can now function independently of banks. This gives the company a significant advantage over other financial technology start-ups that are forced to buy a license and therefore tied to a regional level where they can conduct their business.

The P2P loan model includes secured (unsecured) and unsecured (secured) loan models similar to the currently applied bank form. The only difference is that the evaluation will be done online, and the investor has the right to choose the partner who needs to borrow on the P2P platform, as well as to track the lender's profits.

Another advantage of P2P lending is that this model is based on large data technology, conducts analysis and evaluation, and checks all customer information online. Thus, the evaluation of customer information will be fast, effective and much lower in cost than traditional forms.

Interest is calculated based on the analysis of customer information, social network accounts, social trust ... Customers will be divided into corresponding groups, such as traditional banks. Moreover, P2P loan was born as a solution to replace black credit with "too high" interest rates, reducing illegal lending activities.

With P2P loans, borrowers are offered online loan services that are interesting and fast in terms of service charges, much simpler than traditional loan forms. The adequate cost of the Services will result in a higher return for investors than savings or investments in any banking product.

On a global scale, the interbank lending model is booming. This model appeared for the first time in the United Kingdom (Zopa, Funding Circle), then successfully in the US market (loan club, boom, SoFi, OnDeck, avant-garde) and peaked in China (Lufax, JimuBox, Dianrong, PPdai, Rendendai). Following this development, a company owned by Bitbond GmbH developed a new generation of peer-to-peer loan models and released BB1 tokens.

Benefits of Bitbond

Lending png
The Bitbond token (BB1) is the first security PM in Germany to give access to global lending activity.
Profit objective is 8% (see computer). This translates into a fixed rate coupon of 4% per year and a high profit stake of 60%. The BB1 ​​Token is a superior investment because:
Profits are significantly higher than other fixed income investments.

BB1 tokens are safer and more stable than other electronic investments, as the prospectus complies with the laws and regulations governing your rights.

For the first time in Germany, real security was released without the participation of banks

Benefits for Bitbond coin holders

When the registration period of STO ends, BB1 is assigned to the investor's portfolio and immediately Bitbond finance can be transferred to exploit the stellar blockchain to provide effective and instantaneous international transactions:

Instant transfer capacity
When the State subscription period ends, BB1 is assigned to the investor's portfolio and is immediately transferred

Actual operations
Stellar is more efficient than other blockchains and helps to significantly reduce the cost of payment transactions worldwide.

Easy to install
When you buy a BB1 token, the token owner will automatically receive the star portfolio. Owners can also use existing star wallets.
Bitbond Finance repurchases tokens at the initial price of 1 euro after 10 years

To learn more about this project, please read the link below:
BitcoinTalk ANN : https: / /
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By : sabqie2
My wallet erc20: 0x314eeD7e7eDDDD5f3364F057EAA7114483337bA0