Today there are a lot of the cryptocurrency exchanges each of which has strengths and weaknesses. So, are some exchanges possess a wide choice of currency pairs and the convenient interface; are others propose expanded functionality, set tools of the technical and graphic analysis; are the third add new tokens right after ICO and offer broadened security settings.The speed of carrying out transactions at the centralized exchanges is high they offer a broad set of financial instruments and the clear interface. But their main drawback is the need to trust money to a third party, with which anything can happen. It's early to compare the decentralized exchanges with traditional, for example, Bittrex. The liquidity of exchanges, the quantity of currency pairs, the trust of users is the achievement of time. But it is necessary to know about the existence and advantages of decentralized exchanges.The algorithm of operation LocalCoinSwap (LCS) constructs on the architecture of a decentral P2P-network (peer to peer) which allows buyers and sellers to trade directly in any cryptocurrency, using any payment method. LocalCoinSwap provides the safe, fast and straightforward trading platform enable users to exchange freely without unnecessary requirements of check or wait time. The platform uses a secure escrow system that solves the inherent problems of trust in online P2P trading.After numerous cracking of wallets and crash of the exchange, the users want to receive a safe method of trade and storage of cryptocurrency. Confidence that assets are in the reliable place is necessary for all. LocalCoinSwap is designed to solve a security concern and to create immunity to regulators.

The features trading platform LocalCoinSwap.
Having included P2P-trade of all digital currencies, LocalCoinSwap will return the market to its users via the world-wide Cryptoshare system, allowing them to trade directly in any cryptocurrency with using any convenient payment method in any geographic location.
The platform borrows the best elements and functions of the existing platforms, but the most significant attention is paid to the user experience, adding of tokens and interactivity in social networks. The primary concept of the LocalCoinSwap platform aim at providing of the user safety, to the implementation of mechanisms of detection of invasions and the hacker attacks. Another significant element is the simplicity allowing to use many the functions integrated into intuitively clear and straightforward interface. Besides, LocalCoinSwap will interact with trade community through the available group's Telegram, Slack channel, social media accounts, and the integrated forum.
The offered coins.
For the benefit of users, the platform aims to integrate the maximum quantity of currency pairs which number will increase gradually, in the process of development of the platform.
The escrow system.
For the reliable solution of problems with trust, escrow allowing to exchange with zero risks will act as the intermediary between buyers and sellers on the platform.
Dispute settlement between platform participants.
LocalCoinSwap has created strict processes for the fair consideration of every single controversial case. The Global Support Team will provide around-the-clock availability of support staff for mediation in trade matters.
LocalCoinSwap charges commissions only for marketing transactions (for example, if a trader advertises his services on a platform). The declared price is the price paid, without withdrawal of funds or fees for the deposit, and no other hidden charges. Trade charges will establish from comparable exchanges to compare the costs offered by any competitors (currently 1%).

I cannot fail to mention advantages of the LCS Cryptoshare system.
The LCS Cryptoshare system gives owners a guaranteed right to 100% of the total profit from the Localcoinswap exchange through dividends. The income for shareholders will be paid in the same cryptocurrency this allows the investor to receive a regular stream of profit from the portfolio. Adhering to one Cryptoshare asset, an investor has the right to receive a wide range of crypto-currency revenues across the entire spectrum of the digital economy.
At the end of each financial period, profits for all cryptocurrencies calculated and published publicly before being distributed back to LCS Cryptoshare holders. A dashboard is available on the LocalCoinSwap platform detailing the dates, amounts and distribution details for the current period.
Profit on the exchange is calculated and distributed at the end of each financial period. The general release of tokens dividends and voting tokens will be same as the total stock of LCS Cryptoshares. These tokens then issued to LCS Cryptoshares holders at a ratio of 1 to 1.
Right to vote.
LCS Cryptoshares grants to the owner the right to vote in the decision-making process by the platform, for example, the listing of new currencies on the exchange, the direction of new business projects, design or the functional capabilities of the platform.
Airdrops of new ICO token listings.
LocalCoinSwap provides listing service for new tokens of ICO, and owners of LCS Cryptoshares, in turn, receive an airdrop of new tokens. The requirement for new tokens of ICO wishing to increase financing to ICO is that users of LocalCoinSwap and owners of Cryptoshare shall have the right for special discounts.
Open and transparent exchange with the shareholders.
The blockchain will provide of irreplaceable record of all dividend payments to holders of Cryptoshare. Each monthly Cryptoshare holder announcement will detail developments of the exchange and problems of the platform. Cryptoshare holders may submit questions to be voted on through the platform’s integrated community forum.

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